Thursday, September 16, 2010

11 months old

I know I always say this but....I can not believe my little man is already 11 months old. I mean where has the last year gone? I have tried to soak it up as much as possible... but I have to say that October is right around the corner and he will be 1 and I will be a little sad. Makes me think for a second about having baby #3 but I am not ready to go there yet.

Things Parker is doing at 11 months:

- pulling up on everything and will stand without holding on. (has taken a few steps but still chicken to let go...LOL)
- pretty much done with baby food...he eats whatever we eat most of the time.
- down to 2 bottles a day! (I was dreading this but he is doing it all on his own so I am just following his que)
- does lots of talking (babbling) says mama and dadi (doesn't quite have "sister" down yet)
- he is into throwing things (good & bad)...I guess this is a boy thing b/c I don't remember Haley doing this at this age.
- still loves bath time and takes bathes in the big tub!
- sleeps 11 to 12 hours at night
- loves playing in the bathroom (where he gets in trouble the most)
- still takes a morning and afternoon nap
- wears 12-18 month clothes
- weighs about 23 lbs 11 ozs
- still only has 2 teeth but working on #3


1 comment:

Kim said...

Oh, he does look like the happiest little guy! So cute! And yeah, can you believe they are almost a YEAR ALREADY!?!?!?!? Crazy! Time really needs to slow down. Hope yall are doing well. See ya Sunday! :)

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